- November 23, 2023
Mr. Felix Anthony , FTUC National Secretary has been re-elected as the ITUC-AP President at the 25th Regional General Council Meeting during the 5th Regional Conference of the International Trade Union Confederation- Asia Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand.

More than 200 trade union delegates from Asia Pacific Region attended this year’s 5th ITUC-AP Regional Conference in Bangkok, Thailand and the 2023 Conference theme was : “March forward solidarity: Advancing a new social contract for a just and inclusive future of work”.
The International Trade Union Confederation- Asia Pacific currently has over 60 million members from 59 trade unions of 34 countries in Asia and Pacific Region.

We congratulate Mr. Anthony for his successful win and extend our best wishes to him for his 4th term as the President of ITUC-AP.
We thank Mr. Anthony for his hard work in the trade union movement and for championing workers’ rights in Fiji and globally.