FTUC National Secretary, Mr. Felix Anthony Re-elected as the ITUC-AP President

  • November 23, 2023

Mr. Felix Anthony , FTUC National Secretary has been re-elected as the ITUC-AP President at the 25th Regional General Council Meeting during the 5th Regional Conference of the International Trade Union Confederation- Asia Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand.

The leadership of the ITUC-Asia Pacific, ITUC, ITUC-Thai Council, with Thailand’s Minister of Labour at the Opening of (Day 1) 5th ITUC-Asia Pacific Regional Conference

More than 200  trade union delegates from Asia Pacific Region attended this year’s 5th ITUC-AP Regional Conference in Bangkok, Thailand and the 2023 Conference theme was : “March forward solidarity: Advancing a new social contract for a just and inclusive future of work”.




The International Trade Union Confederation- Asia Pacific currently has over 60 million members from 59 trade unions of 34 countries in Asia and Pacific Region.

FTUC Delegates to the 5th ITUC-AP Regional Conference 2023


We congratulate Mr. Anthony for his successful win and extend our best wishes to him for his 4th term as the President of  ITUC-AP.

We thank Mr. Anthony for his hard work in the trade union movement and for championing workers’ rights in Fiji and globally.


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